Benthos Scoring: Contract Analysis
We have a well developed contract analysis capacity for analysis of images (still or video capture) to produce information on coral health, coral cover or benthic lifeform distribution. Our image analysis department has grown over the past years to support an increasing need for handling large and complex monitoring sets.
- Analysis to support our in house surveys has interpreted over 200,000 over the past 5 years
- Our scorers are experienced in converting large image sets into categorised quantitative data with a rapid turnaround;
- We use internal quality control systems to benchmark individual scorers and to retain consistency with published data sets;
- Our systems are set up to deal with individuals, quadrats or belt transect data.
Scoring is configurable to common category sets (e.g. Reefcheck, GCRM, AIMS lifeform) or can be coded to specific purpose classifications. We have developed quality systems which cover: - Handling survey-to-survey consistency when corals are missing, damaged or incorrectly photographed;
- Maintaining consistency between our scorers by regular cross-calibration to stringent standards;
- Benchmarking our scorer outputs to internal standards established for specific data sets.
All new members of the scorer team are put through an intensive assessment and training regime to bring their scoring into line with other team members.
Data can be provided to our ftp site, or uploaded to yours.
If you have a large data set you need scored and don’t have a specialist scoring group, give us a call or email.